Course curriculum

    1. Inventory Course Intro

    2. Overview of the Inventory Screen

    1. Inventory Locations Overview

    2. Creating a Location

    3. Defining Locations on POS Profiles

    1. Turning Inventory 'On'

    2. Inventory Management for Individual SKU & Location

    3. Difference between 'Reserve' & 'Allocated'

    4. Resetting vs Adjusting Inventory Numbers

    5. Transferring Inventory Between Locations

    6. Adjusting Inventory Policy & Notification

    7. Editing Inventory in Bulk

    8. Overriding Inventory Location

    9. Displaying a Product as 'Sold Out'

    1. Refunds, Exchanges, Pickup to Ship & Event Tickets

    2. Inventory Reporting

    1. Test what you've learned

    2. Course Feedback Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 18 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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